Where's your Heart?

Monday, January 30th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapters 21 and 22
Memory Verse(s): Genesis 22: 12

Some friends and I were talking yesterday about an incident that had shaken us to our core.  Our last son had gotten lost in the ravines for a few minutes last year, and that short period of time stretched out like an eternity until we found him.  I found myself making the comment: "God promises He'll never put more on us than we can handle, and I'm so glad, because I know i'd never want to have to deal with that."

When I read today's passage, I began to think about my words a little more. WHAT IF the unthinkable did happen, and we HAD lost Landon that day?  If God had seen fit to take him home, what would I have done?  Would I have made up my mind that God had taken things too far and quit my walk?  Which led me further to this question: are there invisible lines I've drawn and labeled as a list of things God had better not EVER allow in my life or else?

Let's study Abraham's life for a bit.  A few chapters back, he was wondering whether he would ever be able to have a son of his own.  Then, when God finally gave him Isaac, He asked him to give the boy up as a sacrifice to Him.  The Word says God literally tested him, asking him to offer up his only son whom God knew he loved.  Did Abraham complain or question in his heart? We don't know, but we do read his actions when he takes Isaac and does exactly what the Father asks him to do.  And we all breathe a huge sigh of relief when God stops Abraham from killing his beloved son, providing an animal sacrifice instead.

Now: let's talk about us.  What is it that we consider "off limits" to God?  Is there anything we feel He can't have out of our lives, although He gave them to us in the first place?  Pastors Chad and Nette are ministering to us about getting out of "owner" mode with everything God has entrusted us with.  We are only stewards, so if He gives us what we've been asking for, should we then turn around and say no when He requires it of us?  Abraham was by no means a perfect man, but we can follow his example when it comes to completely trusting God with EVERYTHING.  After all, He only wants to see where our hearts really are.  

Prayer:  Father, I often sing the words to the song, "My life is not my own.". But often they are just words, because I hesitate when You ask me for more of me.  Please forgive me and help me give you everything willingly, just like you gave Jesus.  My life is yours forever.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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