Reap Right, Sow Right

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Today's Passage: Romans 8: 1-17
Memory Verse(s): Galatians 6: 7-8

Sir Isaac Newton, the mathematician and physicist from the 17th century who came up with the laws of motion that govern our known world would probably dispute the statement I am about to make.  But I believe the man knew of the existence of God, and maybe even came to have a relationship with Him.  The reason I say this is that one of those laws pretty much sums up what this passage says: every action results in an equal and opposite reaction.

For major decisions, we like to think that we're doing well by spending valuable time weighing their consequences and praying for wisdom before we act.  But we often ignore the fact that seemingly minor, everyday decisions like what to eat, how to treat our loved ones, and how we spend our time also have consequences.  That is why we need to walk in the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit daily.

As the Word says, whatever we sow is what we shall reap.  We are warned not to deceive ourselves into thinking we are fooling God when we make everyday decisions without consulting Him.  This is a spiritual as well as a natural law that will not change once it has been set into motion.  It's also very important for us not to fall into the trap of buying into the "modern" values that are quickly replacing Christian morality, even sneaking into our homes through the media.  This is the antiChrist spirit in disguise, lulling us to sleep and making sexual perversion and blatant disobedience of God's laws seem acceptable.

But God loves us enough to be consistent and upholding His standard of holiness.  If we as His creation choose to invest in or cater to the things of the flesh that bring temporary gratification but no lasting fulfillment, that is exactly what our harvest will be: broken homes where marriages don't last long enough for the ink to dry on the licenses that were signed, children who develop zero respect for human life, and a school system that is failing to develop law-abiding citizens who will join the work force and continue to make our nation great.  But if,  through the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit, we make decisions that invest in our eternity, we will reap a harvest of spiritual things.  It's never too late to return to doing things God's way in every area of our lives.

Prayer: Father,  I repent for being shallow and easily forgetting the life of self-denial You are calling me to.  In order to live a life of action, I have to be pro-active by depending on Your Spirit to show me the areas where I need more wisdom.  I open my heart to You, and invite You to guide me every minute of every day.  I truly want You to be glorified in this life.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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