H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

So many people in life pattern themselves to be like others.  Most of the time, we choose people to imitate based on what our gifting are.  For example, if I'm a singer, I might desire to be like my favorite singer.  Someone who has a gift to build things may have a famous architect in mind that he or she would love to be like.   But if a person does not possess those types of gifts, who can they look to as a role model?

Truth is, it's dangerous to want to be like any other human being no matter what your talent or gifting is.  If you're looking to be like anyone no matter what your gifting is, try being like Jesus.  Desiring to be like Christ would be ideal because, regardless of gifting, He possesses attributes that fit each and every one of us.

Our mission today is to find an attribute of Christ that you most need to practice or imitate, and display that to a friend, co-worker, or neighbor.  If you need more of Christ's love, show this attribute through giving acts of service or quality time.  If you need more devotion, plan a season of fasting and prayer that will help you draw closer to the Father and hear His voice more clearly.  What's the outcome of all this?  We can expect to have a multiple number of "little Christs" walking, talking and making an impact all around our neighborhoods.  After all, that is the reflection of the name by which we are called: CHRISTIANS.

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