Prayers That Prevail

Sunday January 2, 2011

Father, I am overcome with thanksgiving.  As I look back over the past year, I can see all the ways You made for me.  I can see Your hand in every season I walked through.  So, I thank You for all You've done.  Thank You for life and strength.  Thank You for protection and favor.  And thank You for love and grace. 

Now that I have new life in You, my life will change.  Whereas my life's ambition was to acquire all I could for myself, it is now total devotion to You.  My praise will be Yours at all times.  My worship to You will be evident in my character and my lifestyle.  In other words, I'll seek You ONLY, and let You add to me what You want me to have. 

In this new season, I will give the enemy no place in my life.  Through You Lord, I'll seek to infiltrate the dark places and establish Your kingdom.  I bind the enemy's advancements by the blood of Your Son, Jesus.  He will not be able to have access to me, my family, or my friends any longer.  My mind, heart, and will forever belongs to You, God.  The enemy will not be able to use relationships, money, or sickness to turn me away from You again.  I've fallen for those tricks before, but I never will again.  Also, I'll not use my walk to play the role of the 'wounded warrior'.  Victory is my claim.  As long as I keep my eyes on You, Lord, I don't have to be afraid of the enemy.  Afterall, if You be for me, who can be against me?  I win, because You win.

Finally Lord, receive my praise today.  Be enthroned upon my worship.  I dedicate this day to You.  Let all I say and do glorify You.  I prepare my heart for Your holy Word.  So let it change me as I apply it with fidelity.  Rest in me as I show my love to You forever, in Jesus' name. Amen

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