"Purpose: The Movie"

Monday, January 3rd, 2010

Today's Passage: Rom. 8:28-30
Memory Verse: Same

It never ceases to amaze me how fast time flies.  One minute, you're walking down the aisle, and the next your kids are about as tall as you.  The most unpredictable thing about time is that it ushers us into seasons of what our human minds consider "good" or "bad".  Yet, every event has been orchestrated by our Father to propel us into our purpose.

In yesterday's service, our pastors really brought home the point that God put everything in place before time even began just like a movie set is prepared for the actors.  The lighting was made just right (salvation and redemption), and the camera has been positioned.  The Producer Himself has given us our lines to study (the Bible).  But what we've got to understand is that our actions--what we choose to do with our time, talent and status in life -- will be recorded for all eternity.

As believers, we must not be ignorant of times and seasons.  Every single thing that happens in our lives-- has a purpose.  Each event prepares us for another; it helps us grow stronger and more ready to be of use to the Father's kingdom.  All things really do work together for the good of those of us who love the Lord.  But how?  When we accept the call to His purpose.  

Imagine how useless it would be for Steven Spielberg, one of the greatest producers of all time, to prepare the set with lighting, props, and the script for a famous actor to take his or her place.  But instead, they used the filming time to give excuses for why they can't do the movie.  How many wasted moments do we have on our film?  How many excuses have we given our Producer?  This year, may that not be said of us.  Let's walk out our movie with God's grace.

Prayer: Father, thank You for preparing everything I need for my successful role in Your movie.  Your set is this wonderful creation; the lighting is perfect because You saved me and gave me the Light of the world Himself to dwell in me.  Let my actions reflect Your purpose for my life-- just the way You designed it.  No more excuses... Only obedience.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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