First Things First

Tuesday, January 4th, 2010

Today's Passage: Luke 10:38-42
Memory Verse: Lk. 10:42

Okay, Friends and Lifers.  We've heard the Word.  It's our marching orders for the new year.  We must spring into ACTION.  Where before we were unmotivated, we must begin to propel ourselves into moving to accomplish God's will on this earth.  Even those of us who can find areas of productivity in our lives realize there's still more to do.  All we have to do is look around and see the harvest fields in our neighborhoods, ripe for the picking.

But even with all that motivation, which actors must have to get into the mindset of their role, what do you do when you just can't find the energy to go?  What happens when you're just too bogged down to spring into action?  How do you handle feeling left behind or not on the same page with the others in the body who seem energized and ready to take on new challenges, while you are the exact opposite?

This is an issue that we avoid discussing, but is extremely important.  In order to get the 80 per cent of our church active and doing something for the kingdom, we must help them face the mountain standing in the way.  It might even be time to address the feeling of burnout among the saints who ARE already giving 100 per cent in ministry.  So what's the solution?  It's one word: PRIORITIES.

If we take a minute to sort things out in our minds, we'll find that the first thing we have to do is shift some of our activities.  Multi-tasking might sound like a good idea, but to be honest, it's really the enemy's way to keep us so pre-occupied that we don't feel we have the time or energy to do what's important.  Then we end up getting even more bogged down with guilt because we didn't do those things, and before you know it, another year has gone by.  Let's make a commitment this year to spend the first part of our day with the Father.  Let HIM help us set new priorities.  I'm learning that, just like tithing, when we give Him first place with our time, He'll turn that mountain back into the molehill it really is.

Prayer: Father, I need You in this area of my life.  I need to set new priorities so that my focus is on what You would have me doing rather than what I think I should be doing.  Please help me slow down so that I can hear from You.  You're the greatest ORGANIZER there is.  You're the One Who knew what needed to be created first.  I seek You today for the answer to every problem, and I give You praise for helping me produce for Your kingdom in greater and more meaningful measure this year.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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