The Interpreter

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: John 16:5-15
Memory verses: Jn 16:13-14

As a teacher, I'm always looking for innovative ways to teach my students concepts in math, reading and other subjects.  Because I struggled with learning math the conventional way, I'm a believer in making learning experiences fun and memorable.  But many individuals, even some who are in a serious relationship with the Lord, doubt whether "fun" and "memorable" can be applied to reading the Bible.

We've all been there: you start reading a passage of scripture, then can't seem to connect or get any meaning out of it.  I guess it's what the disciples felt like when Jesus was trying to explain to them His purpose for coming to the earth.  They were literally going, what is He talking about?  But Jesus didn't get frustrated with them because He knew that in our limited minds, we really can't understand the things of God.  That's why He prompted them to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

As I thought about the Holy Spirit's purpose, God gave me this awesome revelation.  He's literally like the interpreter of the things of God.  It's like what happens to you when you turn on the Spanish channel: you may be able to grasp one out of every 100 words, but you'd need an interpreter sitting right beside you if you want to understand it all.  And that's what we have to do.

We must daily ask the Holy Spirit to translate to us what belongs to the Father and the Son in a way that we can walk as well as live in the Word for life.  And, we can have fun and memorable experiences while learning about Him.  If you've never asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the Word is saying, ask Him now.  But as you do that, remember this: a good parent starts the child off with milk first, then gradually adds solid food.  It's in this same manner that the Father would have us study His Word.  This year, let the maturity continue with a deeper commitment to the Word.  

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Jesus and the Holy Spirit to live in me.  Holy Spirit, I ask you today to open my understanding.  Show me the Word and reveal it to me in such a way that I can receive it, apply it, and produce good fruit for the kingdom.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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