H.U.M.P. Day!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blessings, Friends & Lifers!  Welcome to our first "Summer Edition" of HUMP (His Ultimate Mission & Purpose) Day.  I pray your children had a great school year.  However, school is out for a while, so let's be ready to take advantage of all the opportunities to make God famous in the life of a child.  

Our mission today is "planning".  Yes, planning.  Take some time to plan a 2-hour Bible camp for your child(ren) and 1 or 2 of their friends.  Include interactive scenes from the word of God during the teaching phase.  You can even use videos, Youtube clips, or movies.  Get your child(ren) to help.  It's summer time, so use a portion of the time to share some cool slices of watermelon or some popsicles.   Team up with another Lifer if you can (the more the merrier).   Don't forget to HAVE FUN.  If you don't have fun, the kids won't either.   I can't wait to hear the feedback from your camps.  God bless, and happy camping!!!!

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