"The Turn"

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Today's Passage: Proverbs 1
Memory Verses: Prov. 1: 5-7

Two weeks ago, Pastors Chad and Nette released a word about "The Turn" -- declaring to us that total devotion brings you to a point of decision about how deeply you're going to follow Christ.  This passage really ties into that message.  In order to make a TURN, one key thing that we must set our hearts and minds to receive is wisdom from the Holy Spirit.  God wants to give us instruction in wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity.  He wants us to be wise by hearing the Word of life and increase in learning.  GOD DOES NOT WANT HIS CHILDREN IGNORANT OF THE ENEMY'S DEVICES AND SCHEMES (2 Corinthians 2:11).

So what may be missing from our hearts that make it hard to receive this wisdom?  The fear of the Lord.  This passage says that the spirit of wisdom is calling out daily, and when we fear (reverence, deeply respect) the Lord, knowing that we need Him to be successful, He makes evident the traps the enemy has set for us.  Fear of God wil stop us from allowing those who want "quick fixes" in their situatons to have influence over us.  When we hear the voice of the Spirit of wisdom call out for us to stay away from anything that's unlike God, we must make "THE TURN" immediately.  Our lives depend upon our falling out of agreement with EVERY form of evil, or it will literally set a trap right in front of us, but we won't see it.

For every one of God's conditions, there are rewards.  So here's the reward you'll receive if you decide to make the turn today.  The Father promises that He will pour out His Spirit upon us and make known to us His words.  No longer will we be in the dark about the enemy's plans for us.  To be honest, Saints, many times when we arrive at a crossroads in our lives, we use these words: "I don't know what to do."  But what we're really saying is, "I don't know whether or not I really want to follow God's way or hold on to my own way of doing things."  God's way is steadfast and clear -- the only sure path we can take.  He has not made His way cloudy before us the way the enemy does.

So everytime we hesitate when it's time to make the turn, it reveals what's deep inside of our hearts.  Do we REALLY want to serve God with everything that's within us?  Or do we just want what we can get right now, even if it means compromising and breaking God's heart?  Saints, let's search our hearts today and decide in advance before we even get to the crossroads that it's all or nothing when it comes to serving God.  Once and for all, know that He loves us and will never require us to do anything that will hurt us.  So join the Totally Devoted to Jesus movement and make THE TURN today.

Prayer: Father, I can remember countless times when I went my own way and ignored Your commands.  All I received was hurt and loss.  But everytime I've obeyed You, I've enjoyed peace, joy, and abundant life.  May I never lose my fear of You, and may I continue to increase in learning Your wisdom and instruction.  No matter what the cost, it's worth the safety and security that I'll live in.  Be ever glorified in this life in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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