Nice Pants!!!

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 13:11
Memory Verse: Same

Let's use today's devotional to take the mask off. Remember when you were younger, ladies, and you bought a new pair of shorts? They were so tight you could barely walk in them. Don't you remember having to jump up and down, or lie on the bed to pull them up? Oh yeah, and you literally had to peel them off too, right? Well, I have proof that God wants your spiritual shorts tighter than those were.

Jeremiah 13:11 (Message) says: "For I say just as shorts cling tightly to a person's body, so I bound the whole nation of Israel and the whole nation of Judah tightly to Me. I intended for them to be My special people and to bring Me fame, honor, and praise." Whoa! God equated closeness to Him to a tight pair of shorts? Don't get it twisted, folks. This is not a fashion lecture, or a green light to dig out your summer shorts from the 70's (you shouldn't still have those better lol!). God is simply saying He wants it to be hard for you to "take Him off". He wants you to cling to Him so tightly you become one with Him. Why? Because His purpose for you is to be special. He wants you to be separated from the ordinary. Ever seen someone with shorts on that are too tight? They stand out, don't they? God wants you to stand out. Standing out in the crowd gives us the opportunity to bring glory to God. Yes, we get to make Him famous. When God allows someone to achieve "fame", they must remember why it was allowed. God puts them in these positions so they can share His love, be devoted, and bless the broken. The very reason we live is to accomplish this. The very prayer of our lives is "thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." The only way that happens is by us using whatever notoriety we achieve to make God famous.

I challenge you today to cling to God so tightly that His very character bursts through you. Love Him more than anything in your life. Give Him your total devotion, and loyalty and blessings and favor will be yours. Only don't forget to stay away from the shorts!!!

Prayer: Father, only You could desire a relationship with me so badly that You would paint such a clear picture of how close You want me to be to You. Thanks for reminding me that I am to wear You like a piece of clothing that's almost impossible to take off. Where You go, I'll go, what You say, I'll say, and what You pray, I'll pray. In Jesus' Name, Am

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