
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today's Passage: John 16:33 (Message)
Memory Verse: Same

Did you see the big fight on TV the other night?  Okay, me neither, but I heard it was a doozy.  The attraction to a championship fight is the fighters themselves.  It's the unstoppable force versus the immovable object effect that draws millions of viewers.  At the end of the night however, fans usually come face to face with the fact that one of the fighters wasn't so unstoppable or immovable at all.  If you're one of those fans, today's your day.  I'm going to introduce you to a conquerer Who's unstoppable AND immovable at the same time.

First, in the DEAD corner: It weighs in at a sinfully, unholy, disgusting, measure.  It holds titles in the WDO (world depression organization), the IBF (ignorance, blasphemy, & fornication), and the WBC (worldy bounds & chains).  It hails from all around.  Its fight style is vulgar music, vulgar dancing, and foul language.  It makes its home everywhere, but it was born in Sin, Hell.  God loves them, but they refuse to accept it.  Sinners and demons, put your hands together for:  The World!

In the LIVE corner:  The weight of His glory is unmatched.  He holds titles in the CBO (conquered blindness organization, IBC (issue of blood coalition), and the MWL (miracle workers league).  He hails from Heaven, but trained in Nazareth.  His fight style is love, peace, and mercy.  Saints and Angels, put your hands together for Jesus Christ!

Okay, all jokes aside.  This is not even a fight.  Jesus said in John 16:33 (Message) "I've told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.  In this Godless world you will experience difficulties.  But take heart!  I'VE CONQUERED THE WORLD!"  To put it plainly, there will be times when we take shots from the world.  We'll take shots to the marriage, shots to the kids, and shots to our wallets.  When the ref's not looking, it'll hit us below the belt too.  That's the stuff that comes from out of left field that took you totally by surprise.  This world will make sure we have difficulties.  It doesn't like us.  But we have to have what every successful fighter must possess: heart.  My grandfather used to tell me that the size of the man in the fight is not as important as the size of the fight in the man.   He meant you have to have heart to win this battle.  You have to be able to take a shot and get back up again. 

I challenge you today to have heart.  It's the person with heart who discovers they have the ability to accomplish anything through Christ.  It's the person with heart who realizes the battle is not even theirs....it's the Lord's.  And He's the undisputed Champion.

Prayer:  Thank You, God, for giving me the strength to conquer in Your name.  With You, I can win every battle the world brings.  It can't beat You; therefore, it can't beat me.  I'll stay in Your presence always.  I love You.  I will not be afraid of the world, nor allow its temptations to take me away from You.  I'll be one with You forever, God.  In Jesus' name...Amen.

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