The Spirit of Sonship

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Today's Passage:    Romans 8:14-17
Memory Verses:  Rom. 8: 14-15

"Dad".  "Pops".  "Daddy".  "Papa".  "Dada".  "Baba".  "Father".  Any way it's said, this is one of the most important words in any human language.  No wonder it's the first word a baby says when the father is in the home, or that this word is used over 1, 376 times in the Bible.  Even less suprising is the fact that 85% of children with behavior disorders, 75% of adults who become chemically independent, 85% of all youths in prisons, and 70% of high school dropouts lived in a home where the father was absent.

God created fathers to cover the children, provide direction and guidance, as well as correction and training.  These things are so easy when fathers are in their place!  It doesn't matter how many times a mother can make a request for a child to do something; it might take a while for them to respond.  But when dad speaks, it's as if God Himself is speaking.  And that's because He gave them His very own anointing to father.  So when that anointing is nonexistent, everything that should be in order is torn apart.  My husband often talks of how heartbreaking it was to get his hopes up at the news of his father's visit, only to be let down time after time when he didn't keep his word.  So he spent his early and later teen years searching for that father figure wherever he could find it, receiving instruction from males who had no clue how to be fathers.

And yet there is hope!  In spite of the pitiful condition of our society because of the enemy's assault on the family, Abba Father (Daddy God) is still here.  As soon as we surrender our lives to Him, and allow Him to direct, guide, correct, and train us, we gain access to the right of sonship.  Today's passage reminds us that we have received the Spirit of adoption, which enables us to call out to Him when we are in need.  There is no amount of bullying or name-calling that can happen to a child who knows he or she is loved by his or her father.  My children have a safe place to come to where their dad reminds them that they are anointed, called of God, and covered.  In the same manner, there's no amount of bullying satan can do to us.  In our Father's  presence, we are accepted, covered, and always loved.   Our success is guaranteed in spite of our past.  So no matter whether you grew up in a home with a father or not, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT ONE NOW.

Prayer: Father, thank You for sacrificing Your only Son so you could gain a multitude of sons.  I'm so grateful to be counted in that number.  I call You Abba, my very own Father.  I accept Your love, covering, and fellowship.  May I never forget who I am in You another day in my life.  Happy Father's Day!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.                

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