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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today's Passage:Luke 9:22-24
Memory Verses: Lk 9:23-24

Every since our Pastors spoke to us about total devotion, I've been making some changes in my life. The Word of God has been arriving with such clarity, it's been hard to stay the same after hearing it. So I've gone on a quest in my life to see if I were really totally devoted to God. Of course, the answer was a resounding "no"!

As I look to the people in the Bible, I can clearly see what it means to be totally devoted. For instance, God told Noah to build a cruise ship where there was no water or rain, and he did it. He told Abraham to go to that place and have that boy, that way he'd become a father to all those people, and he did it. He told Mary, because you're a virgin, you'll give birth to a king in a barn, and she did it. Can I go on? Daniel defied a king, was thrown to the lions, and lived. The 3 Hebrew boys stood in the face of death, and lived, and Jesus became sin for a humanity that would reject Him. All these people had one thing in common: they were totally devoted to the Father. So when I look at my life, I have to ask myself how I can show my total devotion. What can I do to let God know He has my undying love?

What about you? I challenge you to take an introspective view of yourself. Find out what God is telling you to do and devote yourself to Him. Remember, the "total" in totally devoted means all in. It means complete, or the whole. Nothing can be allowed to get you off course. No-one can be allowed to come between you and God. Daniel, Abraham, Mary, and Jesus made the most of their opportunity. What will you do with yours?

Prayer: Father, You're calling me to a place where I'm being made brand new. This place is out of my comfort zone, and requires 100 per cent trust in You and Your will for my life. Let me lose myself in You, and find myself totally devoted so You can become famous through me. I am and always will be Yours. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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