The Ultimate Father

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Today's Passage: James 4: 1-10
Memory Verses: James 4: 7-8

God has given me awesome revelations of who He is from just observing and listening to my children.  My youngest son, for example, is so predictable.  At least four to five times a day, he comes to "love on" his parents.  Strangely enough, when he's full or being entertained, he doesn't have time to do this.  But watch out when you see him coming with that smile on his face.  You know his affection isn't truly genuine, because he only wants something from us.  Don't get me wrong -- most of the time, this is cute, since we get to have him come close to us at any cost.  But every now and then, it does become disturbing that he would only want to come near us when he wants something.  Sometimes, we have to flat out refuse to give him what he wants in spite of his attention to us, because we know it's not good for him.  And that's when the revelation hits: is this how God feels about our relationship to Him?

In this passage, God shows us our true selves when it comes to how we relate to Him.  When all is well, we act as if it's not really necessary for us to seek God's face.  But when we see something we want, whether it's in God's will for us or not, we attempt to "show" our devotion to God by spending more time with Him, paying Him the attention He desires more often than we usually do.  In actuality, what we should be doing is pouring our hearts into seeking God's face rather than just His hand.  Isn't it a blessing to know, though, that in spite of our ulterior motives, He only wants what's best for us, and will not allow us to have what we ask for if we're asking amiss, and if it will not bring about His will in our lives.

Today, no matter what you seem to lack in your life, remember that God is the ultimate Father.  All He wants is true fellowship with us.  It grieves His heart when we only draw near to Him because we need something from Him.  Remember that it is His desire to give us good things, but we must have the right motives, and submit everything under His will.  Even while surrendering, we must resist the enemy, who also has a clue about what we want and would be glad to take us through short cuts (NO PROCESS).  We must fall out of agreement with the enemy's plan for us, which is to miss out on all the blessings God has in store for us by our compromise.  No matter how enticing it looks, we cannot choose popularity and friendship with the world over total devotion to our Father.  My prayer is that You'll begin to choose drawing near to Him over any other desire that there could be in this world, and watch Him draw near to you like you've never known.

Prayer: Father, Your Word has made it clear that any desires I may have that are contrary to Your will for my life must also be contrary to me.  What You hate, I hate.  What You think is not good enough for me, I think the same way.  No more compromise, Daddy.  My devotion is completely to You.  Thank You for being the ultimate Father to me.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.           

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