The Valley of Decision

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Today's Passage: 2 Kings 7:3-8
Memory Verse: 2 Kings 7:3-4

Decisions.  For the past few days, I've heard this word, and am beginning to realize how tightly connected it is to our receiving anything from God.  If you think about it, almost every life example in the Bible we live by tells a story of someone hearing a Word from God and acting on it.  In the book of Esther, we find that this young woman positions herself to become queen by honoring her older cousin, Mordecai, and doing things exactly the way he told her to.  Later on, when she discovers that her people as a whole were in danger of being destroyed, she is able to use this position to reverse the situation.

Let's take a look at David.  Although he had already been anointed king (which meant he had nothing to prove, and all he had to do was wait until Saul was removed), something stirred on the inside of him, propelling him to participate in his destiny.  He made the decision to take a stand against Goliath, not allowing the inconveniences of his size and the fact that he was standing alone to stop him from doing so.  What about the disciples?  Each time Jesus met one of them and called them to serve Him, they responded with a decision.  Only a few times did God push people into their destiny without their consent.  Joseph, for example, was sold into slavery and served strangers before his dream was realized.  Saul was stopped in his tracks by Jesus, Who turned him the other way by speaking audibly from heaven.  But the majority of the time, it was all about people being given a decision that was left up to them.

In today's passage, we find that four lepers are in this same valley of decision.  They realize that just sitting in that place where the famine was would be just as bad as going back to what they knew.  So they make up their minds to MOVE in the direction of destiny, aware of the possibility of death.  They come to the understanding that they have nothing to lose either way, so they might as well go where they'd never gone before.  Now, as soon as they get there, God has prepared for their success by eliminating their enemies IN ADVANCE.  Get this, Saints: God has no problem doing His part to get us to our destiny.  But if those lepers had never ACTED on  their decision to go to the Syrian camp, they wouldn't have enjoyed plundering the food and riches. 

Now it's your turn.  What is the Lord calling YOU to do that you may be reluctant to act on for whatever reason?  In what area of your life is God requiring you to MOVE or TURN and do things His way?  You may want to use this story to motivate you to act without delay.  Your very life may depend on it -- your spiritual life, that is.  Why sit here and starve to death where you are, when God has riches untold for you to claim?  If you're willing to admit that you're not walking in everything God has provided for you, make a decision to OBEY and MOVE today.  There are certain spiritual laws we all must satisfy if we're going to see this end-time harvest fulfilled.  We must show God our TOTAL devotion by ignoring every inconvenience and reaching for the things of Him with all our hearts.  I'm ready to see and experience everything God ordained: aren't you?

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me today that my will has to be lined up with Yours in order for me to receive all You have for me.  Yes, there are giants in the promised land, but You've given me the giant- slaying anointing.  Nothing is impossible for me to accomplish today because You live.  So live BIG in me, in Jesus' Name.  Amen.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have read your passsage for today and has realize that god is calling me to do the right thing.I have been hurt so many time that it hurt just 2 think about it.I gave my live to God and im trying 2 do right,but i need help a lone the way. P.S. Bless