Turn to the Wisdom-Keeper

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Today's Passage: Job 28: 12-28
Memory Verse: Job 28:28

I' m sure I've asked this question before, but I have to ask the question again. What would you rather have -- a million dollars, or a million-dollar idea? I say this in response to watching people who won lots of money just blow it on foolishness. I was dismayed, yet not surprised, to see the wasteful spending of other people's money by a certain former investment broker, Bernie Madoff. When his assets were confiscated by the government, some interesting items were found: a four-thousand-dollar wastebasket, a shower curtain with gold flecks in it worth thirteen hundred dollars, and a gold toilet.

As disgusting as we may find this practice by people who have money, it is quite common among the "rich and famous". And believe it or not, many believers who protest about it may be deceived into doing the same without one much-needed element: wisdom. No wonder even Solomon, the son of great king David, had to ask for it above all else. Today's passage tells us that man does not know the value of it. How true!

As humans, our value seems to lie only in what we can see with the natural eye. We forsake God's laws because He is the only One Who knows how wisdom works, and because He won't allow just anyone to obtain it.. If we ever want to live this life right, we must allow God total access to us, and come willingly to Him. When we deny and reject God, we are denying and rejecting the wisdom of God. In the words of Reverend Billy Graham, here is what our nation has exchanged it for:

  "We have  lost our spiritual  equilibrium and reversed our values.. We  have exploited the poor and  called it the  lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have  killed our unborn and called it choice.  We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.  We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.  We have abused power and called it politics.  We have coveted our neighbor's  possessions and called it ambition.  We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and  called it freedom of expression.   We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it  enlightenment."  

May we turn once again to the Founder and Giver of Wisdom, in Whom there is life and true liberty.

Prayer: Father, You created wisdom and used it to create our world. We acknowledge and declare our fear of You, not ashamed to do so because we realize that this is how we gain your wisdom. We choose to depart from evil so that we may walk in understanding. May we produce good fruit for our children's children to inherit, and may it be said that it was this generation that turned its face to You once again, choosing Your way rather than the world's. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.

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