The "Impossible" Dream

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 1: 1-20
Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 1: 20

So... You've got this dream inside of you that's so real you can taste it. Problem is, it seems impossible from where you stand. Yet and still, you can't help knowing deep down that you were meant to accomplish this "impossible dream". Let's take a journey into Hannah's world from conception of her dream to fruition.

One thing about Hannah is she wasn't content to stay where she was. Now, I believe there is a difference between a healthy discontent with mediocrity and plain old ingratitude. If you're just dissatisfied that things aren't going your way, you'll find yourself in this slump where you can't find anything praiseworthy about your life. And if you can't praise God, you'll find it hard to get into His presence and seek Him for more. However, if you know God has created you to be and do more than you're being and doing at the moment, it will push you to seek Him for more.

And that's exactly what Hannah did. Yes, she found herself being confronted daily with the reality that Elkanah's other wife Peninnah had children. Yes, that other wife used every chance she could to rub it in her face. Yes, she was frustrated. Still, she never forgot that God held the answer to her petition. She went to the temple and sought His face. Of course, what she didn't know was that, while she was seeking God for a child, God was also looking for a vessel to carry the solution He had for Israel.

You see, God was growing weary of Eli and his sons dishonoring Him in His house. He was looking for a servant who would hear His voice and relay His message to His people without ulterior motives. So when she cried out in desperation, God already had a plan to give her a child. But when she prayed these words: "I'll give Him back to the Lord all the days of his life", God knew He could trust her to carry out His plan. What problem is your dream an answer to? God is looking for vessels. He's neither surprised nor intimidated by your dream, because HE put it there. Now, YOU'VE got to be desperate enough to pray what she did: "Use me to do something bigger than me for Your glory.". Then watch as God's will unfolds into the dream you thought was so impossible. The only question that will remain is: how many lives are you willing to believe God will impact through you?

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me today that no dream is too impossible for You. You created this dream that I'm carrying, and You're looking for me to avail myself so You can provide the answer to problems around me. So my prayer today is that You take this vessel and use me all the days of my life to carry out Your plan. May I not go another day wondering if my dream will ever come to pass. May my life be poured out to serve Your purpose every waking moment. In Jesus' powerful Name, Amen.

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