The Extra Mile

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew chapter 5
Memory Verse > Matt. 5:16

Jesus was the most loving person on earth. Yet even He had little tolerance for religion. I've often wondered what it was that made Jesus hate religion so much. Then He revealed to me that religion focuses on the outward appearance of a thing, whereas relationship focuses on the heart. No wonder He told us in today's passage that if we want to be counted as one of His, we'd have to be willing to go the extra mile required of those in relationship with Him.

Even with that understanding, though, I found myself still wondering what was so important about the distinction between the two types of individuals. Then the Lord began to break it down to me even more. He told me to picture the following scenario: two people on my job claiming to know God. One is always mean- looking, appears stand-offish, and readily jumps to the defensive whenever there is a discussion (whether she has heard both sides or not). The other person is much more pleasant, quick to listen, and slow to wrath.

Once I had that picture in my mind, the Lord ministered to me about the reason He hates religion. "When people focus only on doing just enough of the law to satisfy its rigid requirements, all they're doing is drawing attention to the fact that they are living self-sufficient lives," He explained to me. "Those actions of the negative person are a sure sign that she is neither dependent on nor submitted to me. But the other person... Now, that's a life of surrender. Anyone watching knows within no time that we cannot command our emotions to come into line on our own, especially during opposition."

You see, God reminded me that it takes no effort in the human flesh to follow the law. Anyone can love only those who love them back. But it takes relationship with God to make sure our attitudes with our brothers and sisters are right. It's not enough to just follow the law, but to keep our hearts right and free of the hidden things that no-one but He can see: malice, envy, lust, and anger. Here's the key: if God had to choose between a person who lives by religion, and one who lived a relationship with Him, which one do you think He'd rather have represent Him? You got it!! The one who goes the extra mile.

Prayer: Father, here I am. My relationship with You is the most precious possession in my life. It's not just because of how good Your Name makes me look, but definitely because my life has no meaning without You. Please forgive me for the times when I haven't made good choices to represent You well on this earth. May I now be used of You to draw others as I depend on You to help me go the extra mile for others. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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