Thirsty Anyone?

Saturday November 27, 2010

Today's Passage: Judges 15:18-19
Memory Verse: John 7:38

Did you know you can live without food much longer than you can live without water?  Food maintains life, water gives life.  Our bodies are made up of mostly water.  As a matter of fact, the brain couldn't form a single simple thought if it didn't have enough water.

What about our spirit man?  Our spirits need water too.  And we need that water just as much.  We can't take the chance of letting ourselves go without the Living Water.  We must keep ourselves from living dry and parched lives by doing the same thing all the time without contact with the Father.  We need the fountain of living water; which is the very presence and power of God.  Jesus told the woman at the well if she knew who He was, she'd ask Him for a drink and NEVER thirst again.  He told them He was the Living Water.  I reiterate, you cannot live without water. 

Living without water in the natural will cause Dehydration.  Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of our cells and then out of our bodies than the amount of water we take in through drinking.  We lose water every day in the form of water vapor in the breath we exhale and as water in our sweat, urine, and stool. Along with the water, small amounts of salts are also lost.  When we lose too much water, our bodies may become out of balance or dehydrated. Severe dehydration can lead to death.  Spiritual dehydration also comes when we constantly give out (service, meetings, work, responsibilities, etc.), but never take anything back in.  Subsequently, our spiritual lives become out of balance, leading to spiritual death.  Ever wonder why some pastors, leaders, writers, singers, and teachers, all of a sudden burn-out and leave the church?  It's because they've allowed themselves to be cut-off from their water supply.  They remembered the platform, but forgot The Well.  There are so many accounts of people being given living water in the Bible, but I like Sampson's.  Sampson had just slain 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.  When he was finished, he was obviously tired.  That happens to us alot doesn't it.  Our "to-do" lists for one day can be a mile long sometimes.  Work, work, work.  Then ministry, ministry, ministry, and then family, family,....well you know the deal.  With everything that is required of us, it's hard to find time to settle down and just "be with God".  And then, the spirit attached to our religious habits tells us what we're doing is enough.  It tells us we don't need to stop and experience a time of refreshing with the Lord.  Anyway, Sampson was doing what God ordained him to do; kill Philistines.  But while he was doing it, he forgot to draw his strength from the Lord.  So when he was finished, the thirst he felt almost killed him.  In Judges 15:18, the Bible says "now he was suddenly very thirsty.  He called out to God.  You have given Your servant this great victory.  Are You going to abandon me to die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?  So God split open the rock basin in Lehi; water gushed out and Sampson drank.  His spirit alive--he was revived again". 

Just like Sampson, you need God's water.  Don't try to live without it.  God freely gives it to all who asks.  He won't withhold it from us.  If your marriage is experiencing dryness, ask for the water.  If your walk is experiencing dryness, ask for the water.  It doesn't matter if its your faith, family, or finances.  God has what you need. 

Prayer:  Father I need Your living water.  I'm tired of this dry, thirsty life.  Fill me with Your presence.  I need so much more of You.  Rain on us God.  Let me bathe in Your healing waters.  I don't ever want to thirst again.  

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