Something Praiseworthy

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Today's Passage: Ephesians 1:1-14
Memory Verse: Eph. 1:11-12

For believers who love God and enjoy a fulfilling relationship with Him, we should be experts on giving thanks to the Lord, right?  So how come we have to be reminded over and over in the Word to rejoice, think on praiseworthy things, and always praise?  Because, to be honest, it's extremely easy to forget all the awesome things God has done for us.  Most times, it's sad to admit that we're too busy remembering the things that make us sad to be in a praising mood.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, some of the next few blogs will be dedicated to remembering how mighty and faithful our God is.  Today, I'm thankful for the specific plan and purpose He has for each of us who call ourselves His children.  I remember back in 1991, when I finally accepted Christ as my Savior.  I didn't get everything right, but I had a heart to serve Him completely.  

That being the case, I had always had the desire to sing.  As a result, one of my sisters, who resided in the States at that time, sent me an application packet for a school in Florida.  Now, mind you, she lived in New Jersey, so what are the chances that she would pick the particular school that she did?  She heard the concert choir from that school, Bethune- Cookman, and it was confirmed in her spirit that I needed to go there.  So I filled out the paperwork, got the necessary documents, and was accepted there for the Fall semester of 1993.

The rest, as they say, is history.  I will never tire of telling how God brought me into the exact choir where a young man by the name of Christon Lee introduced himself to me as the man who would be my husband.  Of course, I didn't know it at the time, but I was set up by God to meet the man of my dreams.  How am I so sure God ordained it?  Because we are now ministering together in the Word, music, and the field of education.  For the past 16 years, the Lord has blessed us to spend time growing in love with Him and one another.  He has given us four beautiful children, and a life that I wouldn't trade for anything in tins world.  Now THAT is something praiseworthy.

Prayer:  Father, I am so grateful that You chose my life before the foundation of the world.  I praise You for my husband, my babies, and the ministry You have called me to.  May my life reflect everything You intended when You placed me in my mother's womb.  I'll forever praise You for my destiny.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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