
Saturday,  November 6, 2010

Don't you think His concern extends to us?  Of course.  Farmers plow and thresh "expecting" something when the crop comes in. 1 Cor. 9:10

Do you ever wonder why your life has gone the way its gone?  Ever wonder why the people who are in your life are there, and why the one's who aren't left?   And how many times have you had to hold on to your last strand of positive thought just to make it through the day? 

If you've survived through all that mess, then you're in prime position for rain.  Listen, I know all those things were painful, but all those things were also seeds planted in the ground for your blessing.  There's no need to pray for God's rain if you have no seed in the ground.  All those painful events have taken your faith to all-time levels.  You've endured through the worst, and you know all the devil's tactics.  Now prepare yourself.  Make your soil ready for rich, nourishing rain.  Like our text says, you know God cares for you.  It says His concern is extended to us.  Meaning, there's no situation or circumstance God's love and redemption can't reach.  Does that give us a pass to walk away and do what we want? No.  It does however give us a right to expect.  We have a right to have a confident expectation for what God promised.  Have you ever traveled by plane, train, or bus?  If you have, having no expectation is like buying a travel ticket only to leave the terminal without believing your mode of transport will show up.  If you don't expect, you'll never pack, you'll never book, and you'll never LEAVE.   Keep your eyes on the sky, my firends.  When you come to church tomorrow, expect God to do everything He promised.  Praise Him because He's already done it.  Worship Him because He's been able all along.   This is your chance, "farmers".  Your seed is in the ground, so get ready.  Expect great! 

Prayer:  Father, You are a God of Your Word.  What You say, You mean.  You don't make idle promises to Your children.  As we look to You, being serious about pursuing You, we are assured that we will not be disappointed.  Thank You for honoring Your Word in our lives.  We'll forever live to bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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