Thanks for The WORD!!!

Friday, November 26th, 2010

Today's Passage: Joshua 1:7-9
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 15:29

Okay, Lifers.  So we've had a couple of days off from work.  For me, that means hanging out with my hubby and watching movies.  We stumbled upon "The Wiz", which I've never really watched from beginning to end.  It doesn't take long for me to receive revelation from what I watch, so a particular scene caught my attention.  When Dorothy and her friends get to the Emerald City, they're mesmerized by its inhabitants, who are busy rejoicing over the color green.  On one accord, they declare that this is the only color worthy to be worn, and no-one had better be caught dead wearing anything else.

Five minutes later, they are called to attention by The Wiz himself, who suddenly decides the color green is tired, and red is now "in".  Immediately, the inhabitants of Emerald City embrace a whole new mindset.  Their passion becomes to declare the new color and denounce the old.  The Wiz flits from one color to another, but his subjects are unmoved.  Whatever he likes, they like.  Without hesitation, they grab hold of his every word, and need no persuasion to do so.

I saw an instant parallel between what the Emerald City inhabitants did and what we as God's children should be doing.  They showed total devotion to his every word by committing to it before it ever came out of his mouth.  But as for the Wiz, here's where the parallel stops.  By no means is God wishy-washy and inconsistent in His Word.  God's ways are perfect, and they are true.  His laws that He requires us to follow are for our good, and they do not change.  He doesn't wake up one morning and decide He wants us to go another way.  Since Adam and Eve fell, those laws have been the same.

As we get ready to close out yet another year, our heart's desire should be to listen for God's Word daily.  When we receive it, there should be no hesitation to follow.  Most of us struggle with trusting God because we don't really believe that His answers can be applied to our lives personally.  We want our problems solved all at once, so we reject His Word because it fails to  bail us out the way we expect it to.  It's time for us to make up our minds once and for all that God's Word has the final authority in our lives.  Never again should we doubt its place in our lives.  Every day, it's gotta be His Word or bust!  

Prayer: Father, I want to give thanks for Your Word.  Since I gave my heart to You, It's been there to guide and direct me.  I am so sorry for not always seeing Your Word as the final authority in my life.  Now I pray that my passion and devotion will grow, and that my life will reflect total devotion to every word You utter.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.        

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