Let It Rain!

Thursday November 4, 2010

I've been trying to prepare myself for the rain we've been praying, singing, and preaching about.  I know God wants to rain on us, but I refuse to believe He's going to rain on the areas of our lives we've not submitted to Him.  So what should we do? 

First we must confront those "hidden" areas.  Coming face to face with the things that keep us from being totally devoted to God will help prepare our 'soil' for His rain.  It's not easy to deal with our shortcomings in this manner.  Some things are quite painful to deal with, and very few of us have the strength to admit we were wrong.  However, leaving those things in our lives causes our soil to be dry and brittle.  It also produces a desert-like spiritual climate, keeping God's rain from falling on us.  Before it rains a region has to undergo 2 different states of change: temperature & atmosphere. 

Spiritually, we must also experience these changes.  In regards to temperature, we can't be too hot or too cold.  Being too hot means always being angry about something.  God's word teaches us a soft answer turns away wrath, but we would rather quarrel than use words of love.   Forgiveness, peace, hope, and love are hard to come by when our 'temperature' is too hot.  God's rain can't fall in desert climates.  Likewise, how can seeds in a freezing hard ground be watered by rain?  Some of us are too cold.  Being too cold makes us isolate ourselves from the body.  With our hearts being cold as ice, God's Word cannot penetrate to our inward parts.   Also, we can't connect with other "joints" in the body because we're emotionally frozen.  In regards to our atmosphere, we can't have things around us that hinder the water cycle process.  Certain people, places, habits, music, and mindsets all keep the rain from falling in our lives.  Removing them would be most beneficial.   Don't allow things to come into your atmosphere and present an unholy situation.  You want God's rain?  Ask for it.  But don't just ask with words, ask with a life that shows you are devoted to Him.  Get ready My Friends.  The rain's coming soon!

Prayer:  Lord make me ready for Your rain.  Give me the grace to love, forgive, embrace, accept, and endure in this life again.  You are my portion and my hope.  Everything I am rests in You, God.  Rain Lord, I'm ready....let it rain.  In Jesus' name. Amen        

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