All or Nothing

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 15
Memory Verses: 1 Sam. 15: 22-23

It always amazes me how often God has had to put up with disobedience from humanity.  I think, deep down inside of us, we really have this weird conception that because God loves us, we can do whatever we want without consequences.  But a look at Saul's life ought to give us all a tough reminder of how serious God is about obedience.

Saul had it all going on.  He had the looks, the height, and the personality that made him an obvious fit as Israel's first king.  So what was it about him that was so wrong?  It wasn't something you could see on the outside.  It was his heart.  From the moment he was chosen, Saul had no intention whatsoever of following God's commands.  Isn't it interesting that even with Samuel the prophet right beside him, telling him exactly what God said, he still didn't get it right?

Let's look a little closer at the story.  Saul was told the Amalelites would be given into his hands.  They were the people who had come against the Israelites when they were their most vulnerable.  So God wanted every single one of them destroyed.  When God tells us He wants something done, He shouldn't have to explain why.  Don't we tell our children the same thing?  Anyway, God knew that if any of the Amalekites remained, they would take revenge on the Israelites years later.  But what did Saul do?  He left not only the king alive, but kept all the unblemished livestock alive.

Whenever I read this story, the first thing I'd be tempted to say is, didn't this dude hear God at all?  ALL means ALL.  Then I'm quickly reminded of the many times when I had the opportunity to show God that I know how to obey Him.  The Holy Spirit, my interpreter and teacher, made it clear to me what god' Word said.  But I shut out that voice.  Why did I do that?  Because, like my brother Saul, I took God's love for granted and thought that disobedience had no consequences.  If we want to walk victoriously, we must begin to hear God's heart and take what He said seriously.  Even more importantly, our destiny is at stake.  Let me put it to you like this: wouldn't it have been nice for Saul not to be known all throughout history as the first king who lost his kingdom just because he loved popularity more than obedience?  Saints, it's got to be all or nothing.

Prayer: Father, thank You again for allowing me to take a glimpse into Your Word and be reminded of how important it is to obey You.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, my keeper and teacher.  I repent for the times I've let You down, being more concerned with the opinions of others than pleasing You.  Fill me with a burning desire to be completely Yours -- not out of fear, but out of true love.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

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