Thanks for Our Kids!!!!!

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 103 
Memory Verse: Ps. 103: 10 and 17

For millions of women, the miracle of childbirth happens everyday.  But perhaps millions more have never carried a baby to full term.  They may never know the thrill of feeling a baby grow inside them, nor will they feel the discomfort of the birthing process.  And so I'd like to dedicate this blog to giving thanks for my children.

I've been blessed to accomplish a lot of things in my life, but absolutely nothing apart from giving my life to Christ comes close to being compared to having a child.  One minute, there is no other evidence of this tiny life inside of you than what you've been told by the doctor.  The next minute, you start feeling this giddy, indescribable movement inside you.  The only thing I can compare it to is driving down a steep hill at 60 miles per hour.  Now am I saying it always feels good?  Of course not.

But then that moment comes when you're holding your baby, and every pain you feel before--and after-- becomes totally insignificant.  What's even more amazing is that I was given this opportunity three times, when I am the last person who would deserve to carry a baby.  The more my children grow, the more I understand how much of a part of God's kingdom plan it is to have a child.  When I see them say or do anything that has to do with God, I see in them everything I didn't know I was at that age.  

I am so grateful to the Father for not rewarding me according to my iniquities.  I renew my commitment to being the best mother I can be, no matter how tiring it may get.  My children are the greatest hope I have for the future, and raising them to serve God is the most important calling of my life.  I want to live each day being the godly example to my daughter that my mother was to me, and I praise God everyday that my sons have their father to look up to when they have questions about the world we live in.  For that, I will forever be thankful.

Prayer: Father, as long as I live I'll never forget the promises You've fulfilled in my children.  I thank You for entrusting them to us.  May we take advantage of every opportunity to love, cover and teach them about You.  And may their children's children be forever blessed in Jesus' Name.  Amen.            

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