
Tuesday September 14, 2010

Today's Passage: Number 13
Memory Verse: John 16:33

Our men's ministry meets on Monday nights to talk about issues men face in life (all men regardless of membership are welcome to attend).  The group is called 'Fight Club'.  The the topic of our meeting last night was how to be an overcomer.  While we were discussing the topic, we turned our attention to what God expects of us as sons, or overcomers.  Does He give us strength to overcome just to go back to our old way of life.  Or, does He expect us to live each day like we're ready for Jesus' return?

The answer is "B".  God expects us to overcome and live everyday like we're expecting His return.  To overcome is to get the better of in a struggle; to prevail over.  Overcoming is more than keeping yourself from taking one drink of alcohol, it's walking away from the desire to be drunk.  It's more than saying no to one night of sexual immorality, it's learning to keep your mind (thoughts) pure at all times, and disciplining your flesh.  See my friends, overcoming is not an instant occurrence, its a daily assignment.  Its what we do to be ready for our Savior's return.   Remember Caleb in Numbers 13?  After the people complained in fear about how big the giants (adversity) were in Canaan, Caleb told them "Let's go at once to take possession, for we are well able to overcome it".  Jesus told His disciples they'd have peace in Him.  He also said they'd have tribulation in the world.  He then made a bold statement.  He said "But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world".   What Caleb meant was adversity is a matter of perception.  If you think your enemy has beaten you, you've already lost the battle.  What Jesus meant was although following Him won't exonerate you from the troubles of the world, it will give you the strength to be more than a conquerer.

 I challenge you to walk in victory through Jesus Christ today.  He's placed the power within you to win.  All you have to do is overcome (you'll get it later).  If God is truly in control of your life will He let you lose?  No!  How will He get His glory out of that?  As long as you stay in Him the victory in all things will be yours.

Prayer: Thank You Father for claiming the victory for me.  I align myself with You in order to walk as the overcomer You've made me to be.  I am more than a conquerer through You Jesus.  The tribulation in this world gets tough but in You I have the strength to win.  My life is Yours forever.  Amen!

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