Keep Fighting!

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm: 119: 1-11
Memory Verse: Psalms: 119: 11

I was reading the Word not too long ago, and stumbled across this passage which happened to be in a modern version of the Bible that I was unfamiliar with. Something jumped out at me when I read these words: "Oh, if only I were predisposed to walking In Your ways. Then I would not be ashamed, if I were focused on all your commands."  What struck me is the psalmist's candid realization that we are NOT wired to want to do things God's way. And it is so true. More and more, the flesh suit we are bound to does everything it can to steer us in the opposite direction of where God is calling us to walk. Especially if there's a particular area we have fallen prey to in the past, we have to be especially prayerful so as not to give the enemy a foothold.

For those who are honest enough to admit that each day there is a battle for the submission of our will to either the kingdom of light, or the kingdom of darkness, it's important to sound the alarm. The enemy is quite deceptive, and with the many distractions that exist, he could hold us spellbound or cause us to be weakened in our resolve to do what is right. Paul recognized the problem when he spoke of how easy it seems to want to do wrong in Romans 7:15-20. The human dilemma is that our flesh betrays us by desiring what we know we shouldn't have, so we find ourselves constantly being surprised that, even as believers, we are having to fight for our lives to stay on the path.

But there is hope. We are not alone, and we have not been left on our own to do the fighting. That is why this passage is so important to believers who desire to live a life of zero tolerance to compromise. God has left us His Word, exactly like a master explorer who has already discovered unchartered territory, and leaves behind a well-defined map for his apprentices to use so that they do not fall into the traps he has been able to avoid. All God wants us to do is remain focused on His Word, hiding it in our hearts and cherishing it so that we can follow it with gladness rather than resentment. The bottom line is this: the penalty of sin is death-- sometimes physical, but always a spiritual separation from God. Walking closely with Him and keeping His boundaries in sight will keep us walking in the victory Jesus purchased. Don't give up or give in to the flesh. For your obedience, there will be great reward.

Prayer: Father, thank You for leaving a roadmap for me to follow in order to live an uncompromised life. I love You, and I choose to follow Your ways. You require a life of holiness, but Your commandments are only to protect rather than harm me. May I never stray from Your laws, and may my life make You famous. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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