The Day of Reckoning!

Today's Passage: Revelations 20:11-15
Memory Verse: Revelations 20:12

With all the distractions around us today, it's easy to make light of spiritual things like death, life after death, and the Great White Throne of Judgement.  But after losing someone close to you, the things of this world begin to grow strangely dim, forcing us to face the facts that this world is not our home.  And not only that, but we will have to face the day when all our deeds will be laid bare before the God of the universe. 

If we remembered that everything we do is being recorded in books that will one day be opened before all who ever lived on this Earth, what would our attitudes be?  Would we be so quick to wound each other with words that can never be taken back?  Would we hold on to things that may cause us to harbor feelings of unforgiveness or hatred towatds our neighbor?  The Word tells us that we will all be judged according to our deeds.  No one will be able to escape that moment, because every soul will be required to give account of every moment spent on this Earth. 

Our challenge for today is to keep in mind the One to whom we are accountable.  It's as if your earthly Father, who loves you so much, gave you everything He owned, then went away on business.  Because of His great sacrifice, you would feel obligated to honor Him by obeying His wishes even while He was away.  Your Heavenly Father did exactly that by sending His son to pay a price that was impossible for us.  So just because His coming seems delayed, this does not mean it won't come to pass. 

We must remember to treat everyday as though it were our last.  God's word tells us to redeem the time because the days are evil.  Keep tending to your Father's business by walking with integrity before Him.  As much as is within your power, live peacably with all.  And keep your eyes to the sky so as to be ready for the Day of Reckoning. 

Prayer: Father as always I am humbled by Your great love towards me.  Thank You for giving me Your word which contains what I need to know to continue to please You.  Help me live so that I am not ashamed to stand before You on that day.  In Jesus' Name...Amen   

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