Walk In the Light

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today's Passage: Romans 13:11-14
Memory Verses: Rom.13:13

"Walk in the light" is a phrase that sounds like a cliche. To be honest, at first glance it gives the impression that we as believers are walking around with a giant flashlight over us, illuminating everything in our path and letting everyone around us know who we are. To some extent, that may be true. God does shine His holiness on us and sets us apart as examples of righteousness for Him. But there's something more.

Paul's words to us in this passage indicate that there is an aspect of this light that is our responsibility. Although God has done His part to bring the light to us, we have to embrace its power in our lives. Actually, Paul tells us to "cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." This says to me that we can CHOOSE to walk in that light and be God's representatives on this earth. Or, we can continue to stay in the shadows and continue to perform deeds of darkness just to appease our flesh.

I don't think this passage is just about a physical position for us. The light, as Pastor Chris ministered today, is about living life abundantly, being about our Father's business, and doing His will on this earth. That's why we cannot afford to waste our time doing deeds that will not bring glory to His Name. This passage reminds us that we can be holy and have a great relationship with God. But if we're not doing anything to further His kingdom on this earth, our existence is as if we were walking in darkness.

So today, as you prepare to "walk in the light", let us use the power and authority we've been given to spend as much time pleasing our Father as we did breaking His heart when we were living for the enemy. Anything other than His best for us dims that light and lessens God's impact on this earth through us. May every step you take today be evidence to others that God is real and that He loves them.

Prayer: Father, You are so awesome! You didn't give up on me when I failed to manifest the light of Your love even as one of Your children. Now that I truly see who I am because of You, I want to shine with everything within me. Help me bring glory to Your Name today and everyday. In Jesus' Name,Amen.

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