
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Today's Passage: Hebrews 12:1-2
Memory Verses: Heb. 12:1-2

RUNNING. Yet another word that never sits well with me when I think about getting myself into the healthy condition I need to be in. Somehow, I try to convince myself that I can "cut corners" or find other alternatives to this tried-and-true method of discipline, I'll still be able to lose weight. So I spend valuable time doing just enough to make me think a difference will be made in my body. Weeks go by, and I'm disappointed to find that I'm pretty much in the same place I was when I decided to take short cuts to discipline.

So here's another parallel for you: you've been inspired by the Holy Spirit to envision yourself living the successful life of a believer, daily walking in victory and giving the devil a run for his money. For some of us, this vision may include leading our family members to Christ; for others, it may entail being in the forefront of our generation, leading our friends and associates away from a life of worthless pursuits to abundant life in Jesus. But before any of this happens, Paul cautions us that some "weight" has to be shed off of us first.

Why is it so important to run this race? Why not just take giant steps? Surely there must be another way to get the weight off? You may have these questions in the back of your mind. Like me, you may not be accustomed to success in this area. But the failure isn't in WHAT we've been told to do; it's HOW we respond to it. Listen: there's a long list of believers who trusted in God and committed to doing it HIS way, and now we're reading about how they became victorious.

So I'm making a decision to trust that God has foreseen my success and pre-planned the steps I'm to take in living a victorious life. If I want the excess weight to come off, I must run with ENDURANCE. This means I must run with patient determination to get to the finish line. Does this mean I may not get tired, and that I'm not allowed to catch my breath? Certainly not! God knows if I've never run before, I need to start out in walk-run mode. As long as I DON'T STOP MOVING, I'll get to my destination. As long as I don't make excuses for why I can't be successful and quit when the going gets tough, I can do this.

The best part is that we have Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of this RACE of LIFE, Who was completely human, yet Who already went before us and won so we could see how it's done. Who's with me today? Anybody ready to run? Don't forget to stretch first -- spend time meditating on the Father and all His promises to us. And while you're running, remember to BREATHE -- breathe in all the goodness of our God, and breathe out anything that's not like Him. Pace yourself -- the race is not about being the fastest, but to the one who endures until the finish line. I think we're ready to do this.

Prayer: Father, today I focus on Your Son Jesus and His awesome example of how we are to run the race of faith. You've already given us everything we need to be successful, and I walk in all of it today. Thank You for the endurance to finish strong, no matter what challenges come. I will serve You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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