I Am!!!

Today's Passage: Exodus 3:13-14

Memory Verse: Psalm 27:4

Saturday April 10, 2010

Blessings, Friends & Lifers!!! One of the biggest questions on the minds and lips of the world today is: who is God? I don't think it's disrespectful to ask. After all, God wants us to know who He is, right? David said in Psalms there was one thing he desired of the Lord and that he would seek. It is to dwell in His house, INQUIRE in His temple, and behold His beauty(Psalm 27:4). God wants us to pursue Him. Incidently, the mystery of who God is is simply defined by our faith.

If I were to change the question from "who is God", to "who is God to you", it'd evoke a whole new pattern of thinking. Let's look to the book of Exodus to find inspiration. Chapter 3 brings us to an interesting conversation between God and Moses. Moses, after being given his assignment by God, asks God "when the children of Israel say to me what is His name, what should I say"? God said to Moses "I Am who I Am". He said "tell them I Am sent me to you". This scripture is a wonderful revelation to those who truly seek to identify our God. God made it such that when we're asked who He is, we don't need to think of some scientific definition. He's simply I Am. Meaning, who does my faith say He is? Some would say He's a deliverer of the addicted and depressed. Some would say He's a healer of the sick, and a Father to the abandoned. In other words, 'I Am' is God's way of saying I'm everything you need at the time you need it. If you seek Me first, everything you need will be provided (Matt 6:33). He eliminates the excuses we give not to have faith. Pastor Chad and Antoinette love to worship with a song we sing called "Everything to Me". The lyrics of the song describe to a tee the many things God can and will be for us if we allow Him.

Finally my Friends, I challenge you today to answer your own "who is God" questions. Consequently, if you don't have an answer to that question, how will the world get their answers? Take a moment to think about who God has been to you over the past few weeks, months, or even years. When you do, I know a smile will come across your face because a fresh revelation will immediately be birthed into your spirit. You'll come to realize that He hasn't just been this or that. In the end, He has consistently, wonderfully, and perfectly been....I Am!!!

Everything, everything; Lord You are, everything to me
Everything, everything; Lord You are, everything to me
My Treasure, My Priority; who can compare to You?
Great is the measure of Your royalty
Oh, Morning Star, You truly are.....Everything!

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