Are You Expecting?

Today's Passage: Psalm 63:1-2

Memory Verse: Psalm 65:1

Sunday April 11, 2010

Happy Sunday Friends & Lifers!!! I hope you're expecting a mighty move of God in church today. That's what make our worship services meaningful: the expectation of the presence, power, and move of God. What if you were expecting an important letter or a check in the mail? Would you make sure you checked your mailbox everyday? Yes, you would. And you'd be diligent in doing so until your package arrived.

Well, my Friends, God has a "package" for you today. But His package fits only in boxes that are filled with expectation, not doubt. When you get to church, let God know you expect Him to move by offering Him energetic praise. Listen, the enemies of expectation are ignorance and hopelessness. If expectation is hard for you to come by, you either lack clear revelation of who Jesus is(ignorance), or you feel the situation you're in is hopeless. Think about a woman who discovered she was pregnant, or 'expecting'. Although she "couldn't see" the baby right away, she and her family made all the provisions for the day of delivery. There were showers and shopping trips, doctor's visits and vitamins, all for a promise yet to be fulfilled. On top of that, that mother rejoiced over every ounce of 'evidence' of the promise. She knew a change in appetite, a growing belly, and a slight kick signified the promise was on its way. Her expectation also sent her into protection mode. She made sure she kept herself from falling. And, anything she thought could bring harm to her promise was kept away. Why? Because she was 'expecting'. So look for great and mighty things to happen today. Don't let the enemy rob you of hope by focusing on the negative. For if God be for you, who can be against you? If you walk in obedience, you have the right to expect your Father's presence, His love, and His blessing!!!

You know what the challenge is today. It is to praise God with all your heart and all your might. Why? Because you're expecting Him to move without restraint, love us without restriction, and change us without hesitation. Happy Sunday!

Father, Your faithfulness is unmatched in all the Earth. I will remember You today as I enter this time of worship. My praise and my worship are Yours forever. Please have free reign to do with me as You see fit. And I'll rest in the spirit of expectation all the way. In Jesus name...Amen!

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