Blow the Enemy's Cover!!!

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 Corinthians 2: 6-16
Memory Verse> Matthew 12: 31-32

I've always wondered about the statement that Jesus makes about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit and how no-one who does will be forgiven. As gracious as the God we serve is to forgive all sin, even against Himself, I couldn't figure out why that grace couldn't be extended to those who ignorantly made comments about the Holy Spirit. Then the Lord gave me an awesome revelation that really helped me understand to a tiny extent the extreme importance of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity.

In Matthew 12, the Pharisees were discussing amongst themselves whether Jesus was casting out demons by God, or by satan's power. This was just after He had healed the man who was demon-possessed, blind and mute. The Pharisees were astonished that He was able to call out spirits that did not identify themselves like the others did. How did He know exactly what spirit to cast out? He must have been using demonic powers, since they did not believe He was God's beloved Son. But Jesus reminded them that no house divided itself can stand-- not even in satan's kingdom. But He, Whom God had sent to walk this earth and reveal His power and might, was able to discern things through the Holy Spirit.

Today's passage explains to us that the Holy Spirit is the very extension of God Himself-- the One Who figures out the thoughts and intentions of the kingdom of darkness and reveals them to the children of the kingdom of Light. Think about it: aren't we, although so vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy, made in God's image to the point where we can figure out what someone's intentions are without them even saying a word to us? The minute we look into their eyes, it's almost like we can see into their souls. We can tell whether or not they mean us good or evil, even if we've never seen them before. They may have the cleanest record by man's standards, but we just KNOW there's something about them that's not right.

Well, when you think back to the fall of lucifer, Who was there? Who watched him plan his mutiny against the God of all creation, seducing other angels to agree with and support him to rebel against God? The Holy Spirit! Who was sent by God after Jesus died and rose again to the earth realm where the enemy and his imps exert their influence? The Holy Spirit! And Who lives big inside of a submitted life with the guarantee that God's very wisdom and understanding will be given in every area if we will only obey when we hear what He has to say? The Holy Spirit, of course! Just as the Holy Spirit walked with Jesus every step of His life here in earth, and revealed to Him what He needed to know to defeat the enemy, we can access that same power. As we go and declare the kingdom of God, we will have the signs following us. And we'll be able to "blow the cover" of any covert operations being conducted by the forces of darkness. They are no match for the powerful Spirit of God. That's why Jesus and His Father will not tolerate any blasphemy about Him -- only those who truly receive from Him will discern that He is real or know His purpose.

Prayer: Father, You have given us an awesome treasure in the Person of Your Holy Spirit. As He dwelt in Jesus while He was on this earth, You are calling us to do the same. And as we depend completely on You, Your Spirit will show us how to crush the enemies that align themselves against You. May we never doubt Your power and might. Use us to tear down every wall built by the enemy of our souls in Jesus' Name! Amen.

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