Respond to God's "GO"!

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Today's Passage: Exodus chapter 4
Memory Verse:Hebrews 11:6

Yesterday, we talked about how important it is for us to have a personal encounter with the True and Living God before we can be launched out into our destiny. But what happens when you encounter Him, hear His Voice, and still don't move forward? Even with all the confirmations of God's "GO", there's still one element that we have to bring to the table. Without it, destiny will grind to a screeching halt.

Today's passage gives us insight into just how unwilling man's heart is to fall into agreement with God's plans for our lives. Even after a thousand confirmations(yes, I'm calling you. I have need of you;), can you believe the audacity of Moses for finding one excuse after another to explain why he couldn't give in to God's request? The fact that God even entertains these remarks instead of just killing him and moving on shows us that each of us has a huge role to play in what God wants to do. But before we start to get too hard on Moses, we have to acknowledge that we, too, freeze up when God calls us.

So what does it take? If a great man like Moses couldn't even rise to the occasion when his moment came to respond to God's "GO", are we all doomed to mediocrity? Because surely WE might not have enough courage to respond! But God is a just God, and He has already made a way for us to obey. It's a built-in system that we can tap into through God's grace. It's called FAITH. Yep-- it's that simple, folks. God is doing all the work: He goes out of His way to get our attention ( burning bush and all). With every question that we may have, God gives us only answers that He thinks are necessary for our obedience, because-- and let's face it, Folks -- do we really expect God to entertain questions which reveal our unwillingness to conform to His will?

By faith, we must begin to move towards God's "GO" in our own lives. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that it's impossible to please Him any other way. No matter how small the call, it will always be bigger than our ability to carry it out. Which puts the responsibility for carrying out our destiny where it should be: with God. It's HIS Name on the line when we say, "God sent me.". What are we really afraid of? Trusting Him completely only causes Him to show Himself in a strong way. We're all given a measure of faith. Is yours in operation, or is it nonexistent because you won't let Him have all of you? How much faith will it take to respond to God's "GO"? The answer is simple: you'll never know until you release it.

Prayer: Father, I just want to be used by You. You raised me from the garbage heap, cleaned me up and transformed me into something beautiful. If You can use me after all I used to be, I won't hesitate to respond. By faith I receive Your "GO" in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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