The Power of the Spoken Word

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapter 49
Memory Verse: Gen. 49: 28

If you asked fathers from different walks of life what the most important thing is that they could pass on to their sons, you'd probably get a different response. For the wealthy ones, the answer might be tips on how to use their money wisely. For those who are part of the working class, they might decide that their work ethic is most important. But no matter who they are, a father's spoken blessing is the most profound thing that can be passed on.

I initially thought it was awesome that Jacob was able to call his sons together and speak a word into each of their lives. But as I actually began to read more, I saw that what he had to say was not positive for each one. This really got me wondering: could it be possible that God allowed him to prophesy the course his sons' lives would take based on the choices they had ALREADY made? Probably so, because the Bible tells us that Jacob was on the verge of dying. But what if we, as part of the generation that's under grace, would use this authority to speak into our children's lives BEFORE they got a chance to make a mess of it and not after?

We already know how powerful the tongue is. We also know that God has given the man dominion over all God created on this earth, especially everything in his household. How awesome it would be to declare that your sons will be the head and not the tail, above and never beneath all the days of their lives? How about declaring that they will be leaders rather than followers among their peers? And even most important of all, how about saying that as often as possible, instead of every now and then? And speak destiny in their presence, while you look them straight in the eye, letting them know that these words are the only option. Talk about making a difference in the coming generation!

As you go about your day, may the Lord give you creative ideas straight from His heart to find ways to reach our young people. And don't think for a moment that you couldn't make a difference just because you don't have any biological children. Have you looked around you lately? More young men with no fathers find themselves on the path labeled "trouble" than ever before. God has designed this thing in a way that we don't have to see the results right away to believe that they are on the way. But the evidence of the power of a spoken word is still all around us. May we not be afraid to use it. It will make a world of difference for generations to come.

Prayer: Father, You spoke everything we see into existence. Then You showed us how to speak like You in spite of our circumstances. We lift up now the fathers of this great nation of ours, as well as the ones in TD Nation. As they speak life and God's will over their children, may Your words take root in the hearts of the children and cause them never to be the same. And we'll give You all the praise, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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