For My Good!!!

Saturday September 10, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis 44 & 45
Memory Verse: Genesis 45:5

Childhood memories always come to mind when I'm reading God's word.  I know that sounds strange, but God has a way of taking me back through my past in order to show me how He's been working in my life.  What comes to mind are all the times God protected me even through disappointment.  That's right!  He loved me enough to bear my disappointment because He knew He was protecting me.  How has God used negative circumstances in YOUR life to bring about a greater purpose? 

God's word teaches us that all things work together for good to those who love God; and to those who are called according to His purpose.  If we are called according to God's purpose, we must remain balanced in our perception of circumstances in our lives.  What I mean is we shouldn't allow ourselves to get too high when good happens, and too low when bad happens.  The reason for that is because "all" things are working together for a common good, or purpose.  Let's look to God's word for insight.  We've been talking about the life of Joseph all week.  Joseph's life is the ideal lesson in not getting too high for good things and too low for bad things.  First of all, his father favored him more than all his brothers.  He even made him a coat to display that favor.  That situation may be perceived as a good thing, but after reading further into the chapter can you really say it was good?  Afterward, the "favored" one was thrown into a waterpit, sold into slavery, and accused of rape.  However, seeing as though those things led to his promotion in the palace in Egypt, were they really bad? 

I remember a sermon our Bishop preached once called 'Don't curse your crisis'.  Bishop was teaching us we've not been abandoned just because we're faced with adversity.  God will NEVER abandon us.  As a matter of fact, He may be using the situation to take us to new levels in Him.  Think about it.  You wouldn't know God's saving power if you had never been lost.  And you wouldn't know His healing power if you had never been sick.  It's understandably difficult to embrace the trials of life.  I'm not even suggesting you should.  What I am saying is every valley is connected to a mountaintop.  So embrace the mountaintop.  Find joy in the fact that God is covering you.  David said "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil because You Lord are with me".  God never promised us a lifetime of smooth seas and calm breezes.  Storms do come.  What He did promise us is, while in the storm, He'll not only protect us, He'll work them out for our good.

Prayer: Father when I think of Your goodness I can't help but praise You.  Thank You for being there for me.  When I look back over my life, I can now see You were there all along.  All those things have taught me to depend on You.  Leaning on my own understanding never works.  You're in control from now on, in Jesus' name.  Amen 

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