Homeland Security is Here!!!

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Today's Passage: Revelation chapter 12
Memory Verse> Rev. 12:11

Imagine that you were the enemy (yes, it's far-out, I know, but just go with me in the spirit). You got this wonderful idea that you could overthrow the God of the universe because of all the gifts you were given. So you staged a mutiny and actually convince some of the angels to follow your idea. But instead of overthrowing His kingdom, you get thrown out-- cast down to earth. You'd never intended to be subjected to such debased living-- after all, you have servants who worship you, too.

So, enraged at such treatment by the God of the whole earth, you seek to find a way to get back at Him. Then you hear of a plan that God has developed to generate fellowship and worship for Himself. He has decided to create a being only a little lower than you-- one who has the capacity to love and seek after the worship of God. But there's a twist: unlike the angels, this being will NOT be given only one option ... To worship Him; it will be his CHOICE-- a matter of this being's free will.

What would you do? Would you sit idly by and be unconcerned about the impact of God on this being and his kind? Or would you, who have been thrown down to the area where you can also exert some influence, decide to use this influence to your advantage? You would make it your life's purpose to create as much difficulty as possible for your archenemy, the God of the whole earth, to have complete authority over humanity. The basic answer to the question "Why does the enemy hate us so much?" is found in today's passage.The enemy knows that we are spirit beings, but subject to the limitations of the flesh and easily swayed one way or the other depending on our circumstances. How do you hurt the most powerful Being on the earth? You hinder His children from living exclusively for Him.

But what the enemy was NOT counting on was the great love of God for His children. He loves us so much that He sacrificed His first begotten Son to bear the guilt and punishment of us all. Now, we don't have to just endure the attacks of the enemy because God's Firstborn defeated him on the cross!!! Armed with that revelation, we can live with our feet on his neck, walking in authority over him... If only we keep him in his place and never allow him to use his strong power of deception and persuasion over us. His time is short, so he's desperate...but WE, the Redeemed of the Lord, have all eternity to rule over him. As long as we stay in the kingdom of LIGHT and use the power made available to us, we will ever be victorious. No fear... HOMELAND SECURITY is here!!!

Prayer: Father, I will never cease to be amazed at Your great love for me. You went to great lengths to cover me and make my enemy powerless to destroy me. But time and time again I failed to take authority over him because of my own unwillingness to do things according to the kingdom of Light. But now that You have given me this revelation of who I am in You, I am empowered to walk in everything You gave me. I yield to You and Your way of defeating him. Thank You for victory! I will worship You forever. In the Champion Jesus' Name, Amen.

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