He's All You Need!

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

Today's Passage> Numbers 14:1-35
Memory Verse> Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want". What do these words mean to us? After reading them, do we somehow get the impression we're going to have everything we've ever wanted provided on a daily basis? And if they're not, do we think God forgets we're here?

I know the questions above sound sacrilegious, but although we may not ask them with our mouths, we often ask them with our behavior. Let's discuss the facts of the matter. First, if God doesn't do another thing for us, it'd still take a lifetime to properly thank Him for what He's done. In today's passage, the children of Israel complained to God about their situation. Complained? This is the SAME God who wrecked Egypt for their deliverance. He even parted the sea in order to let them escape. Not only that, He fed them (manna) from the very throne room of Heaven so they wouldn't starve in the desert. So how could they complain? Did they forget?

Well, did YOU forget? What if the money's low? What if the friend walks away? What if your body aches? Does your behavior say He's not your God anymore? Second, we can't care for ourselves the way God cares for us. You may be in top physical shape. But you are powerless when it comes to the functions of your body. You can't tell your heart to beat, you can't tell your lungs to breathe, and you can't tell your brain to send messages or possess thought. God, however, can (does). That being said, it becomes senseless to try to take our lives into our own hands. It's like telling your cardiologist to step aside and let your barber do the surgery (the comparison's not even that close). Our lives are not fulfilled until we give God complete control and cease from seeking provision from anyone (thing) else.

That takes me back to our opening statement: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want". If the Lord is TRULY our Shepherd, why do we complain about His provision? And, if He's our Shepherd, why do we look to other people and things for provision? It's plain to see that God is the ultimate caretaker. He'll literally move Heaven and Earth to get to us. So don't allow the world to make you think your life is not complete if you don't have this or that. If you have the Lord as your Shepherd, you don't need a thing (Ps 23:1 Msg)!

Prayer: Father, there's nothing else in the world that satisfies like You. For every time I have shown You otherwise by my behavior or words, I repent.I sincerely ask You to take over my heart and mind, so that I only think Your thoughts. Cause me to be reminded of the awesome miracles You've already performed, and walk out a life of gratitude. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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