The Process of Binding and Loosing

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Today's Passage> Matthew 18:18-20
Memory Verse: Same

Many believers hesitate to engage in spiritual warfare because they think it's a process that takes too long to see meaningful results. Well, they're partly right: spiritual warfare IS a process. Spiritual strongholds that establish themselves in our lives don't come overnight. There's a saying that goes: "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." The thought is the foundation for the strategy the enemy uses to build his fortress inside of what should belong to God.

First, usually at an early age, the lie is planted as a seed. Something traumatic happens -- rape or molestation, the death of a dear loved one, or some other devastating event that the enemy uses to establish this lie: "if God really loved you, why would He have let this happen?" Pretty soon those thoughts speak loudly enough that they bleed over into the words you speak. "God doesn't care about me, so I'm going to live any way I want.". This becomes the signature response to anyone who even attempts to remind us of God's love.

Years go by, and one bad decision after another add to the mountain of bricks with which the enemy builds the strongman's house. But when we finally accept the Lord Jesus, we wonder why certain areas in our lives seem to get nowhere. We love the Lord with all our hearts, and yet fall short of the mark in relationships, finances, or with addictions. This is where binding and loosing comes in. According to Dr. Cindy Trimm, binding causes demonic forces and their assignments to become paralyzed, and loosing releases them from their obligation to perform the act(s) that kept us in bondage in a certain area (Binding the Strongman, 2005). The two tactics must be used hand in hand, but must never be used without first establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Next, the will of God must be released to take the place of that which we have loosed off of our life. Then, with a submitted life and a refusal to allow any doors to remain open to the enemy, we will begin to see victory in those areas.

Today, as you make the decision to engage the enemy, let the Holy Spirit guide you through the process of binding and loosing. The important thing to remember is that every knee MUST bow to the authority in Jesus' Name. As long as you stay in the kingdom of light, darkness has no choice but to flee. But you must see it through to the end, no matter how long it takes. God wants His children completely set free; why don't you walk in ALL your freedom?

Prayer: Father, because of a previous life of willful disobedience, I realize that I have allowed certain strongholds to be built in my life. I repent for letting them in, and turn from those habits now, falling out of agreement with their purpose in my life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I now declare that every spirit of fear, perversion, and intimidation must be loosed from my life in the Name of Jesus. All authority that belongs to Jesus Christ has been given to me to bind their demonic oppression and loose them from their diabolical assignments in Jesus' Name. I now release freedom to walk in power, love, and a sound mind at all times. I give You, God, the praise for the victory. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen!

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