Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Exodus chapters 6 & 7
Memory Verse> Exodus 7:4 & 5

Father, I thank You today that You are still THE God of miracles. To those who fear You, You have given the promise to uphold and bless. In spite of the opposition, You still display Your signs and wonders to remind the unbelievers that You are the Most High God.

Today, I celebrate You as the Champion. You are the One Who sees and sets up the enemy to prosper, even in Your great mercy giving him a chance to repent. But when he refuses to acknowledge You, You use his hardheartedness to bring destruction upon his head, thus showing Yourself to be the One True God.

I also Thank You for making provision for Your children through miracles, preparing a table for us in the presence of our enemies. As we learn to walk in obedience to You in everything we do, may You reward us by defeating all our enemies in the Name of Jesus. For those areas that we are still struggling to submit, please soften our hearts so that we can give You our all without holding back any more.

As we all rise to worship You, I declare that a remnant will remember Your mighty acts that You performed before the enemies of Your children of Israel, and grow in their trust fo You by leaps and bounds. Arise today, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered forever. In the awesome Name of our Lord Jesus, we pray, Amen.

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