Seven Words that will Change the World

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapters 40 & 41
Memory Verse: Gen. 40:7

Many believers find themselves at a standstill over what they feel they should be doing for the Lord. They often look at those in ministry and see a whole different side than really is the case. They see well-dressed, smiling faces as ministers (or those who work alongside them) stand in the limelight with a microphone in their hands. What they don't see is the trials and tribulations that ministers go through just because they decided to be totally devoted to God. So what they end up doing is nothing, with the excuse that they don't "have it all together" yet.

For all those who are still wondering what to do while waiting for God to reveal this great destiny that God has put on the inside of all of us, I pray that we put this question to rest once and for all by taking a page out of Joseph's book. At a time in his life when he was falsely imprisoned and had every reason to be depressed and inactive in some corner somewhere, Joseph speaks seven words that will absolutely revolutionize the believer's life. He steps outside of his own situation and reaches out to someone else when he asks Potiphar's cupbearer: "Why do you look so sad today?"

These words are at the heart of the kind of attitude God is looking for in his people. He doesn't care the least bit for our ability; on the contrary, He wants to know how available we will make ourselves for Him. What are the chances that, because he made the decision to bring glory to God even in spite of his situation, God was going to bring people his way who were looking for just the right answer that He had placed inside of Joseph? Joseph had no way of knowing that the cupbearer and his assistant would be looking for the interpretation of dreams -- a gift that Joseph was endowed with? All Joseph knew was that He wanted to serve God, "blooming" where he was planted no matter what.

Instead of looking for a way of escape out of our trials, God just might be asking us to sacrifice more of ourselves for the benefit of those around us. How many people do we pass by who need us so desperately? All we have to do is hear with our spiritual ears. They are crying out all around us for some sign -- any sign that God is real. They can't afford to wait for our pastors to minister to them. They need some righteous trees, blooming even in the dry places that they find themselves in. So whether your destiny is a year away, or a few days, do you have seven words to show God's compassion and love? Just like in Joseph's case, those words will go farther than you could imagine, and never return to Him void.

Prayer: Father, when I think about how many months and years I've spent idly, waiting for this "great destiny" to take over my life, I realize it was wasted time I could've used to speak into the lives of hungry souls. May I never waste another moment seeking You for whatever glory I think will satisfy me from the inside out, but spend my time being poured out for others. In Jesus' Name.

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