It's Worth It to Let Go

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapters 42 and 43
Memory Verse: Gen. 43: 26

We've all heard the stories: successful people, even in ministry, who managed to accomplish awesome things in their community or elsewhere in the world. Small problem, however: they have loved ones whom they stopped speaking to at a certain time in their lives, and now there's no relationship. Our society may downplay the importance of family ties, but God created this concept, and it's no laughing matter to Him.

In today's passage, we see that Joseph had been separated from his family for years, a situation certainly not caused by him. Although he could've used a bit more wisdom in revealing his dreams, it was still no excuse for them to plot to take his life or even throw away his future. But God is a defender of the weak and helpless, and He was not going to allow the enemy's plan to succeed. And that's where the knowledge of the things of God comes in. No matter what the enemy tries, God has the final say. Furthermore, we are never in a battle against the flesh and blood that we picture when we put a face to the hurt sometimes caused by loved ones.

So let's take another page out of Joseph's journal today and see how he handles confronting his brothers again after such a long time. How do you react? Is this a simple co-incidence that he should walk away from, or does he stop and consider what GOD's will is in the matter? Fortunately, the young man who has spent the better part of his life receiving God's "commercial breaks" (as Pastor Antoinette often calls visions and dreams) knows exactly what to do in order to see how this situation ends. God reveals to him that the reason for all this suffering and ill treatment was for the very purpose of bringing him and his family together.

That said, we must understand that God is a generational God who never intends for our success to be accomplished outside of the loved ones He has blessed us with. Now, let me offer this disclaimer and say that God will not operate against our will. So if you do your part, and the other party(ies) make the decision that they will not pursue restoration, only prayer and God's presence will bring change in the long run. But the important thing is that it will not be held against YOU. However, if you carry feelings of animosity or resentment and unforgiveness, those emotions will block the door to the destiny that has been specially designed for you. You'll constantly take two steps forward and twelve steps back in an eternal cycle of wilderness living that God never intended for those He called to glorify Him. The sooner we learn to let go, the quicker God's purpose and destiny will be released. And that's worth a hundred times the price we must pay.

Prayer: Father, I hear Your voice reassuring me that it's okay to release the hurtful words that were spoken over me by loved ones out of ignorance. I grab a hold of Your promise to bless those who fear You and obey all Your commands. In order to obtain the level of intimacy that it will require to walk in the place of destiny, I let go of it all. Please live big in me and allow me to not only forgive, but forget the wounds that were inflicted. I also pray for my brothers and sisters who may be struggling to let go of the hurts. May they trust in Your ability to make it right and get the glory out of it all. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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