Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today's Passage: Philippians 4:4-13
Memory Verse: Phil. 4: 5 & 13

Father in Heaven, who can we compare to You? Is there a god who can love like You? Is there one who'll give his all to us, or will sacrifice to save us? Let the praise of Your people declare "No one! There is no one like You Lord"! You formed the heavens and the Earth. You gave us life. And You gave us peace, hope, and joy. Your name is exceedingly great and awesome, and You are perfect in all Your ways.

Lord, cause us to show gentleness to each other. Remind us that we are all Your special children and therefore should be handled with gentle care. Let us not use harsh speaking, deceit, malice, or hatred toward each other. And let us bear each other's weaknesses as we do our own. Also, let us have self-control. To be more like You, we must be less like us. Having self-control allows us to be like You. Self-control keeps us from giving in to lust. It allows us to constantly be reminded to walk by the spirit, not the flesh. And temptation? You provided a way out of every temptation. All we have to do is seek Your will.

As we walk through this life, let us display the fruit of being totally devoted to You. Let it be a way of life, not just a nice thing to say. Father, You deserve all the love we can offer. But what You truly desire is obedience. Obedience tells You how much we love You. So as we enter into Your presence today, let all the fruits of Your spirit be at work in us. That's the moment we'll be truly one with You. And that's where we've wanted to be all along, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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