Follow the Signs!

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 13
Memory Verses: Matt. 13: 2 & 3

For the past few weeks, we've been learning how to resist the urge to complain and keep our minds on the Kingdom of God.  What causes us to complain, however, is the spirit of lust.  The spirit of lust is not just an access to sexual perversion, it is the spirit that deceives us by making us think we're living in "lack".  Once it does that, we in turn complain to God and make Him feel His care of us is inadequate. 

We must remember we are pilgrims on a journey.  In that, investing in things that solidify our placement in this world is not what our purpose should be.  Everything we are and everything we have should provide access to that upward call that's been on our lives since the day we received Christ as our Savior.  So what then are we striving for?  Should we NOT want to live in a nice home, or drive a nice car?  Of course not.  In fact, God wants you to "prosper as your soul prospers".  We just shouldn't make those things our goal and mission.  God said in Matthew chapter 6: "If I clothe the flower in the field, how much more will I do for you"?  Later,  He advises us to seek His kingdom first, and in doing so, He'll add everything to our lives we need.   

Seek God's kingdom first?  Which way do I go and what should I be looking for?  First, Jesus is the way.  That's right!  It's not north or south, east or west.  In fact, it's not even a "where", it's a "how".  Jesus' life has already blazed the trail that leads to God's kingdom.  All you have to do walk like He walked, love like He loved, and say what He said.  What we should be looking for (on any journey as a matter of fact) are signs.  In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus spoke several parables that turned out to be descriptions of God's kingdom.  He did so because He not only wanted the people to hear words, He wanted them to see signs.  The message in the parables were all the same.  If you see and/or display these characters (signs), you're on your way toward the Kingdom of God.  Now get going....let's meet each other there! 

Prayer: Father, You've left a pretty specific set of blueprints for my life that will lead me straight to Home, the place You and Your Son are preparing even now for me.  I pray today that I will read the "signs" You've left and follow them to the letter, not with a religious attitude, but with passion and pursuit of a close relationship with You.  As the end times come closer, and You call Your children HOME, help me be ready so that I can stand before You blameless, just like You intended.  In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen. 

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