Make Room!

Friday, August 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: Isaiah chapter 54
Memory Verse: Isaiah 54: 2-3

Ten years ago, I was more spiritually sound than I'd been since giving my life to the Lord ten years before that. Pastor Chris and I had been at Abundant Life for two years, and we'd made it through some really tough times, finally settling in our hearts that we would live and die for Christ alone no matter what. So I can truly say that I didn't think any other time could get any better than this time.

Because of the awesome way God had been speaking into my life through my pastors (then Pastors Ray and Peggy, as well as then co-pastors Chad and Nette), I received a vivid revelation of the power to minister through my gift of singing. I'd always known that there was something God-breathed about this gifting, but I now began to understand that to whom much is given, much is also required. So I began to obey the voice of the Lord when He prompted me to say what He spoke into my heart while we were ministering in song. It was quite exhilarating to be able to sing a new song while ministering a familiar one, and to see that my husband was also being given this tremendous gift.

But I soon learned that, like everything else we do for God, this gifting was not about me, but I was simply a tiny vessel in the large scheme of things when it comes to God wanting to speak to His people. As the time passes, I have come to understand more and more that I must lay aside the weight that so easily besets me in order to be ready for God to use me to speak to others. He has literally enlarged my territory by making me a part of a team of ministers without whom I feel incomplete, whereas before I thought I was doing something when someone asked me to minister in song. Like Paul, if there's anything to boast about, it's in the mighty way God chooses to use a wretch like I used to be.

When I look at my purpose now, I see that there's still room for even more enlargement. I understand that He's just growing me up even more, getting rid of the extra weight that still threatens to keep me out of the position of even more availability. And one big difference: it's not just me and Pastor Chris walking out our destiny; rather, it's us and our kids whom God is using in even more ways at their young age than He did in us. I'm more confident than ever before that God is not done yet. We all have more ground to cover, more territories to claim for the kingdom. With the gifting and callings inside of us, the only thing standing in the way of our success in being used by our Father is our willingness to make room for Him in our lives. I challenge you today: enlarge the place of your tent. Make room for God's grace to take you beyond your wildest dreams to places only He can take the credit for. And, just as His Word says, NO WEAPON formed against you will be able to prosper as you make yourself available to accomplishing His will on this earth.

Prayer: Father, I'm amazed at how fast ten years have gone by. I've watched You take this miserable life and make something useful out of it. Now every day is worth living, not just because You provide for me every minute, but because You continue to teach me to make room for You to manifest Yourself. I enlarge my tent and stretch wide my boundaries, declaring today and every day that there will be NO LIMITS to Your will being done in and through my life. In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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