May We Be Found Faithful!

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 24: 29-51
Memory Verses: Matt. 24:46-47

When I first gave my life to the Lord, I remember saying on several occasions that I hadn't been exposed to the convicting power of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection until I was older. Well, the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance the youth camps I used to go to around the age of 11 or 12, if not even younger. He also allowed me to remember how the message of Jesus' return was ministered to me. It was, of course, in the easiest form for me to understand: in song.

I can't say for sure whether there were picture films accompanying songs on video back in those days, but I do remember as clearly as if it were happening right now that the song, called "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" by Cliff Richard, spoke of what would go on when the Rapture occurred. Just as it's written in today's passage, God spoke to the heart of a believer that people were going to need to be fed the uncompromising truth of what is to come. And that person obeyed, so effectively in fact that I was reminded of it so many years later. I realize that I really would have been without an excuse if my soul had been required of me back then, because I HAD heard the salvation message spoken in my language.

And isn't that what we're called to do? God reminds us that Christ's return is just as real today as it was when I was a child. Everyday life will attempt to drown out its reality, but we must not allow that to take place. Just as faithfulness was required in passing on the message that we'd better get ready,it is now and will be required of those of us who are believers today. The question is, will we be lulled to sleep by the spirit of deception that has blinded many?

It's not just a matter of staying saved and making it to heaven. It'll be all about remaining faithful and passing on the message of Christ's love to whomever will listen. What form will God allow YOU to put it in for those yet to be born? Will there be others like me who will have no excuse except to stand in awe of God's great love and faithfulness through your obedience? Be ready, for the Faithful true WItness stands at the door.

Prayer: Father, here I am. Just as You purposed for me to encounter You in a specials way at a young age, please help others do the same through the faithful ones You are planting on this earth. Give us all a heart for the lost like never before, and fill us with Your faithfulness to go to the ends of the earth. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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