King Solomon's Experiment

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Today's Passage: Ecclesiastes chapters 1 & 2
Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 2:3

What if God gave you a special assignment to conduct an experiment and collect data? What if He gave you a blank check to spend however much you wanted to on whatever you wanted? All He required of you would be to record the thoughts and feelings you had while you indulged in your deepest heart's desire. Like me, you'd probably think there's no way a holy God would let one of His children do that. But what if I told you He did exactly that?

The first two chapters of Ecclesiastes reads either like an adventure novel, the script for a James Bond movie, or even a science project. As the king of Jerusalem, you would expect him to take advantage of every possible indulgence for a man of his position-- and he did. But Solomon took it one step farther. Every decision and every purchase he made, every possession he obtained, and every physical thing he consumed was done for the sole purpose of testing the hypothesis of whether it would bring him long-lasting pleasure. The difference between you or I taking on the task versus him is this: he had been endowed with God's wisdom. This gave him a certain perspective on everything he did that we probably wouldn't have had.

In God's own ultimate wisdom, He knew there would be a remnant in the twenty-first century who faced the challenge of walking upright before Him while enduring temptations and worldly pleasures that threatened to deter us from being totally devoted to Him. I can see Him taking His holy fingers and writing the scientific plan out Himself, making provision through a supernatural extension of grace for Solomon to experience everything the human being could have an appetite for-- and not be consumed by it. And I don't know about you, but I'm finally admitting to myself that I don't think this would be the case for me.

Solomon concludes at the end of his quest something he wanted all of us to understand: no earthly pleasure brings any eternal satisfaction. We have in his words the very same advice we'd want to pass on to our children or younger siblings. We'd want to tell them, "Don't go down that road. I've already been there, and there's no fulfillment in it." True contentment is only found in a life where WE are not the center of the universe; GOD is, and the fulfillment of His kingdom is the only quest we need to pursue. So let me summarize King Solomon's Experiment by reiterating: only that which is accomplished for God and His kingdom will last. Find contentment in Him, and you will never search again.

Prayer: Father, You are the all-wise God. You see what we don't, and You know what's sent by the enemy to destroy us. Thank You for being the ultimate Shepherd, looking out for my protection, and keeping me from all evil. Even when I willfully indulged in sin, You extended grace to me. Now, I want to leave the writings You're allowing me to create as a testimony of Your delivering power, just like Your Son Solomon. Let it bring You glory... In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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