Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, August 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy chapter 13
Memory Verses: 1 Tim. 13: 14-15

Father, You have pricked our hearts concerning Your desire to let us know what You want our focus to be. You've convicted and drawn us to the fact that we must not be consumed with worldly lusts. Our sole ambition should be to grow closer to You and Your Son, Jesus.

For this reason, our prayer is that You fill our hearts and minds with thoughts of Your promises for this life and beyond. We have been almost brainwashed and enticed by the god of this world to be attracted to the things of this world. Lack of the very things you require of us-- self- denial, taking up our cross, and following You with abandonment-- causes us to be de-sensitized to the sights, sounds, and actions of the kingdom. We are taught to serve the Lord, and live so as to see You in heaven one day. But distractions, dreams of success, and immature desires cause us to be nearsighted and only focused on those things.

Today, we pray for a flood of Your Spirit to break us and bring us to the place where our hearts are broken by the things that break Your heart. May our ultimate goal be to bring more souls into Your kingdom. May we never be afraid to stand for You, but walk in such a way that we impact this world and give no-one an excuse for not knowing Who You are. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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