Keep Your Heart Pure

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: Hebrews  chapter 13
Memory Verse: Heb. 13:5

There's an account in Acts chapter 5 about a man and his wife who were members of the church which began as a result of the boldness given to the apostles.  Without even having to be told to do so, those who had been blessed by receiving the Word from the apostles began to sell what they had and bring the proceeds to them so that no-one would be in lack.  It says in the previous chapter that they all decided to do this on their own, but this particular couple conspired to deceive the apostles.

After selling their property, Ananias and Sopphira kept back some of the money they had gotten and took the rest to the apostles.  Immediately, Peter discerned that they had lied, and in the end, they both lost their lives.  Before they died, Peter asked the husband, "Why did you decide to lie to the Holy Spirit in this way?  Did the property not belong to you BEFORE you decided to sell it?" This is the question that I asked myself as well when I read this story.

Why would someone who was not coerced to make such a sacrifice go to such great lengths to hold it back?  The same reason a church administrator would attempt to steal money from the tithes and offerings of hardworking people, or a believer who wants to be blessed would still hold back his/her tithe and/or offering because that person thinks this is the best way to prosper.  It doesn't matter how big or small the offense; it's all about what's in the heart.

The questions God is asking us today will either convict us of the love of money, or prevent us from the danger of ever being in this place spiritually.  First, do we really trust God, or are we willing to do whatever it takes to look out for ourselves?  Second, what is our focus?  Is it the advancement of the kingdom, or the advancement of our own goals?  Third, do we really think God doesn't know what's IN our hearts, and what our true intentions are?  Not only can He discern between our intentions and our actions, but He also controls the level to which we can walk in blessings.  The main thing we prevent when we compromise in this way, however, is our ability to impact the kingdom in a powerful way.  Sure, we may be able to save a few dollars with our selfish actions, and God's grace may prevent us from dying on the spot, but the only ones we shortchange are ourselves and the ones God ordained us to reach.  May we all walk in obedience in this area so that God's full blessings and purpose manifest in our lives.     

Prayer: Father, never before have I been so aware of the fact that You see the heart of man.  Thank You for extending Your mercy when I've fallen short of Your glory.  But more than that, thank You for encouraging me to stand for everything that brings You glory, including giving it all so that there's no lack in Your house.  May my heart always seek to advance Your kingdom.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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