Bringing Home to Earth

Monday, August 15th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 16: 13-28
Memory Verses: Matt. 16: 18-19

More than ever before, we have access to the Word of God.    Every year, more and more versions of the Bible have been made available to the people of God.  All our wonderful technology that allows us to be in planes as well as in remote mountain areas gives us no excuse not to have the revelation we should about our place in God.  And yet, many believers are still as defeated as in the season when the Bible was only accessible to a select few... The period in history known as the Dark Ages.

People who have no knowledge of the things of God think that secular knowledge brings enlightenment, when what it does is drive us further from God into even more darkness.  But the amazing thing that I CAN say about the world is at least they seek knowledge.  Many believers do not establish a daily time to read and hear God's Word except bits and pieces which they maybe hear at church.  But God promises us that those who allow the Word to take root in our hearts will reap up to a hundredfold harvest.

With that in mind, God wants us to bring Him glory by bringing home --God's kingdom-- to this earth.  And one of the ways we do that is by walking in authority against the forces of darkness.  What better way to walk in victory over God's only enemy than by learning what defeats him, then doing exactly that.  What the enemy does is keep us focused on the mundane things that surround us.  He keeps us distracted just enough to ignore how powerful we really are.  And everytime we catch a glimpse of God's glory, He reminds us that we are His, and everything He purchased belongs to us outright.

Today, honor God and defeat His enemy by walking in every ounce of authority you've been given.  Fight the good fight of faith, knowing that none of our labor will be in vain.  No more laying down and listening to the lies of the enemy.  No more wasting time complaining about the way things are, when we can bind the enemy's hand and loose God's promises into our lives.  You ARE the anointed of God, and you HAVE been called to uproot and tear down every stronghold in Jesus' Name.  That's how you bring Home to earth.

Prayer: Father, I'm so grateful today that You didn't save us then leave us on our own to fight against the enemy of our souls.  You promised us that the gates of hell would not be able to stand against Your church.  We stand now on Your Word and commit to walking in the full authority of Your kingdom.  We declare defeat to Satan and his demonic forces, and employ the angelic host to overpower them now in Jesus' Name.  And all the glory will always be Yours.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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